At N8 Health Centers we offer a number of different medical services in Franklin TN, Columbia TN, and Pulaski TN. Our integrated team is here to help you achieve the best long term outcome.
Medical Services Offered
We offer a variety of medical services at our clinic. Below is an example of some of the services we offer. Contact us today for more information.
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Diagnostic ultrasound, also known as Medical sonography (ultrasonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic medical imaging technique used to visualize muscles, tendons, and many internal organs, to capture their size, structure and any pathological lesions with real-time tomographic images. Our area team uses this successfully to help many of our patients understand the extent of their condition.
Ultrasound has been used by radiologists and sonographers to image the human body for at least 50 years and has become one of the most widely used diagnostic tools in modern medicine. The technology is relatively inexpensive and portable, especially when compared with other techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT).
As currently applied in the medical field, properly performed ultrasound poses no known risks to the patient. Sonography is generally described as a "safe test" because it does not use mutagenic ionizing radiation, which can pose hazards such as chromosome breakage and cancer development. However, ultrasonic energy has two potential physiological effects: it enhances inflammatory response, and it can heat soft tissue.
Ultrasound energy produces a mechanical pressure wave through soft tissue. This pressure wave may cause microscopic bubbles in living tissues and distortion of the cell membrane, influencing ion fluxes and intracellular activity. When ultrasound enters the body, it causes molecular friction and heats the tissues slightly. This effect is typically very minor as normal tissue perfusion dissipates most of the heat.
Joint Injections
A joint injection (intra-articular injection) is a procedure used in the treatment of inflammatory joint conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, tendinitis, bursitis, and occasionally osteoarthritis.
A hypodermic needle is injected into the affected joint where it delivers a dose of any one of many anti-inflammatory agents, the most common of which are corticosteroids. Hyaluronic acid, because of its high viscosity, is sometimes used to replace bursa fluids. The technique may be used to also withdraw excess fluid from the joint.
Medically Directed Rehab
Now there is a new and better way to make life more livable through therapeutic services. The goal of the N8 Health Centers Medically Directed Rehab Program is to optimize wellness and enhance the lifestyles of all patients.
The Medically Directed Rehab Program is comprised of traditional health education, therapy services, and medically-directed exercise programs personally catered to your needs and abilities.
Nerve Conduction Study
A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a test commonly used to evaluate the function. This test is used to look at the ability of electrical conduction of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. Our team uses this test to help determine the best course of care for some of our patients.
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is a common measurement made during this test. The term NCV often is used to mean the actual test, but this may be misleading since velocity is only one measurement in the test suite.
Nerve conduction studies are primarily used for the evaluation of paresthesias (which is numbness, tingling, and/or burning) and/or weakness of the arms and legs. The type of study needed depends in part on the symptoms of the patient. A physical exam and thorough medical history also help. Some of the common disorders which can be diagnosed by nerve conduction studies are:
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Spinal disc herniation
- Ulnar neuropathy
- Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Trigger Point Injections
Trigger point injection is a procedure used to treat the areas of muscle that are in pain and contain trigger points or knots of muscle that are created when muscles cannot relax. It is possible to feel these knots under the skin. It is fairly common that trigger points irritate the nerves around them and cause a pain that is felt in another part of the body, known as a referred pain. Our team has found that some patient complaints respond very well to this form of treatment.
The trigger point injection procedure consists of injecting a solution through a small needle into the patient's trigger point problem area. The solution contains a local anesthetic that sometimes includes a corticosteroid. When injected, the trigger point is made inactive and the pain is alleviated. Usually, a brief course of treatment will result in sustained relief. Injections are given in a doctor's office and usually take just a few minutes. Several sites may be injected in one visit. If a patient has an allergy to a certain medication, a dry-needle technique (involving no medications) can be used.
Trigger point injection is used to treat many muscle groups, especially those in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck. In addition, trigger point injection can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches. Trigger point injection is also used to alleviate myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain involving tissue that surrounds muscle) that does not respond to other treatments. However, the effectiveness of trigger point injections for treating myofascial pain is still under study.
Supartz Injections
Supartz is a solution of highly purified sodium hyaluronate, it is one of the hyaluronates used in viscosupplementation. This solution is injected directly into the knee joint to restore the cushioning and lubricating properties of normal joint fluid.
The injections are approved for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee in those who have failed to respond to simple painkillers or exercise. Use for other joints is being investigated.
Diagnostic Capabilities
X-ray is defined as a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of a shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases.
X-rays allow physical doctors and chiropractors to view your bones and joints with clarity, and to some extent, the related soft tissues. With the help of x-rays, chiropractors can better evaluate the health of your bones and come to a more accurate diagnosis.
If the chiropractor takes your x-ray in a standing or weight-bearing position, the various normal and abnormal curves of the spine can be seen as well as the severity of changes in joints.
The chiropractor can evaluate the general health of your bones; determine whether or not you have any congenital anomalies (unusual shapes to your bones from birth), fractures, dislocations, and arthritic conditions, infections of the bones, or joints and tumors which would significantly alter the plan of treatment.
X-rays of the neck, low back, or involved area are often taken. The doctors might send the patient to an x-ray facility for advanced imaging such as an MRI, Cat scan (CT), bone scan, and other clinical procedures that may be necessary depending on the patient's findings. These procedures are utilized to ensure the patient gets the most effective treatment for their condition. Diagnosing the cause of the problem is our first concern and our diagnostic capabilities include:
- ALCAT allergy testing
- Hormone blood analysis
- X-Ray
- Urine and Blood Analysis
- Muscle Function Testing
- Orthopedic Evaluations
- Neurological Evaluations
- Computerized Range of Motion and Muscle Testing
The team at N8 Health Centers in Franklin TN, Columbia TN, and Pulaski TN is here to help you reach your healthcare goals. Call us for help today.